Monday, October 27, 2014

Whole different ballgame!

so to start about how my week is going it has been hard but good. the mission field is a whole different ball game then the MTC and it was kinda hard to get use to and it will take me a while to do so. so as soon as we got of the  plane in michigan we got of the plane and drove to the mission home. there we filled out some paper work then said ok everyone in the van we are going street contacting! i was like what the heck! we have been here an hour! so they took us to michigan state university and dropped us off and said we will pick you up in an hour here are some book of mormons see ya. they just left us a bunch of newbe's not knowing what to do so for the first little while we just walked around and didnt talk to anybody. then one of my companions (who sold for dish network) just started talking to people and we just started teaching people it was awesome! we handed out three Book of Mormons and told people to read them and then to go to if they had questions or wanted to missionaries over! so that was cool then we went to the mission home that night and watched meet the mormons that was a pretty cool movie have you seen it yet? so the next day we met or traniors mines name is Elder Elmer he is from richfield he is way cool and is an awesome tranior so far and we actually have a trio companion ship the other elder is elder sumsion he is a visa waiter to taiwan he is from springville! so we got back to our appartment that night dropped our lungauge off and started street contacting. the first house we walked up to me and elder elmer had and impression to go to the house so we did and the guy that was the said that we could meet with him tomorrow. so we were excited we keep knocking til dark but no one else wanted to talk. because everyone out her is some sort of christian reform. Christian reforms are like the mormons in utah they are everywhere!!! o and Catholics too! so the next day we called a member that we have take us places and drive us around come and get us. his name is brother Banner he is awesome! he is 64 and he loves doing missionary work with us! he drives us around almost every day! and he loves it! he is so funny to joke with! he is kinda one of those domesday people and he tells if there are new ebola patients and he tells us that ISIS people are going to kidnap us off the streets its pretty funny! he us to be a doctor but he had to retire early because he had a brain tummor but he was able to get that taken care of and now he is ok! he says that going with us every day helps him so he doesnt get depressed so im glad that we can help him in a way! so he pick us up and we went to that guys house from yesterday that said to come back. we started teaching him and everything was going good then he drop a bomb on us and said he was homosexual and had a partner... i was dumbfounded i had no clue what to say good thing brother banner was there becasue he took the lesson anyway and i dont think i talk the rest of the lesson is was in shock! he said that our church wouldnt work out for him cause you cant be a member if your homosexual. so we left his house and brother banner kept asking if i was ok haha i was in shock for like 2 hours because of that lesson. so that night we went knocking again. it was my turn to talk at the doing and a man answered and i started talking to him about how Heavenly Father is our loving heavenly father and how Christ loves us and how we would love to meet with him again but he said no. as we were walking away from the house i told my companions sorry that i messed that one up they said what are you talking about it was great we loved how you talk about how the Gospel blesses our families and how you tied it in about talking about his dad.i told them there is no way i said that i talked about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and they said i did but i also Talked about How the Gospel blesses families.they were not lying when they said on your mission the Holy Ghost will put words in your mouth because it truly did for me! and another christian reform church leader i that agreed to meet with us. so the next day we meet with him and his son. we talked about why we believe in the Book of Mormon and where our church came to be. Elder Elmer barely talked the whole time he had me and Elder Sumsion teach the whole lesson. it went really well and he are meeting with them again on friday their names are both glen. the next person we meet with was Luie he is buddist, but he is awesome he is very smart but you can tell he is not all there but we dont know why. but he has come to church the past 4 weeks it is awesome. after that we tried to meet with some investigators that have been avoiding Elder Elmer and his old companion but we couldnt find them. That night we ate at the Archibalds house we had an amazing dinner that was very nice of them. the next day was sunday and we went to church there are about 160 people in the ward and that is a really full ward for michigan. after church we went to sis hurds house she is a member but her husband is a heavy smoker and drinker and is going to die from it we talked to him and are trying to get him to rehab. i shared a coulpe scriptures with him to teach him to have faith in the Lord and Jesus Christ and that they can help him. ( 1 Cor 10;13 and Ether 12:27) then we gave him a blessing and i had to give was hard but the spirit helped me know exactly what to say! is was an awesome experience.then to a recent convert who can not leave her home. her name is SIS. Braylock she is awesome and that was a good experience. that night we went to the Ferderbers house to eat it is HUGE the pictures i send of of the house the there barn in the barn is the basket ball court and all of those nice cars they are millionaries!!!
 grand rapids is really big it is awesome it is alot different then the MTC and is has been alot different but i am getting use it! i got all of your packages thank you! the appartment is pretty big is has two rooms two bathrooms and a big living room but the rooms are really big. the appartment is right next to a Private Christian High School but the appartment is nice. im glad to hear that you are doing good! my companions are pretty cool

i love and miss you all and i hope you are all doing ok! i doing good so i love you guys! i pray for you all everyday

Love Brax

 This is what's in the Barn.

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